give me a chance to be me

give me a chance to be me

ludzie nie powinni miec dzieci po to,zeby miec kogos,dla kogo mogliby zyc,zeby je kochac,przynalezec do nich; raczej jako efekt wzajemnej milosci niz cel do osiagniecia. za sluzenie im powinni byc kochani,nie za milosc do nich miec je za sluzacych. kochac kogos znaczy dawac mu wybor,rowniez wybor,zeby nie odwzajemniac naszej milosci,nie robic tego,co chcemy,zeby robil,nie byc takim,jak chcemy,zeby byl. dziecko nie jest malym toba i moze potrzebowac zupelnie czego innego,by byc szczesliwym.

(translated for Alex: people should not have children in order to have someone to live for,to love,to belong to; as a result of love for each other rather than as an aim to obtain. for serving them they should be cherished not for cherishing be served. to love somebody is to give him choice,also the choice not to love us back,not to do what we want him to do,not to be like we want him to be. a child is not a small you and may need completely different things to be happy).


alexaus 2010-05-19

Is this for Me? Gee, what did I do to deserve this?


moriana 2010-05-19

you asked someone to translate once,didn't you? so I've recalled that and thought I'll do it myself for you.

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