
Weekend was fine, without beach, hot sand and burning sun. I rested very well, made some shopping and helped to prepare dinner for our guests. We are not very close, so just sit for hour and half chatting. I drink some beer and watch football match, they`ve invited all of us for barbacue, but I think I will not be happy spending free time with Sindel when she`s sober :) She`s just so overprotected, unassertive and hipocrite, so it takes a lot of patience to handle her, sometimes there`s a lack of it. Maybe she thinks that she is the only one who takes care of me and knows better what`s best for me. There was little time to spend with Stryker, Jax has been sucked by his studies, Sonya was given red light from me, couse she always thought about others` feelings, but this time I think she just wanted to say too much. I didn`t step up to this, chillout of mine is not she`s specially interested in. We will have to define at the nearest meeting what we expect from each other. I assume that we have nothing, our life may end in a couple of seconds, but this doesn`t mean, that I want to squeeze to the maximum every minute. I love resting, travelling, spoting the details, that I call quality, I need to adopt to the situation, people. I don`t like what she`s doing, that is "you have 5 minutes, entertain me" :) This doesn`t work like this, especially when I noted it to her, probably not underlined enough. Maybe she has imagined me the way I`m not. Our different opinion doesn`t mean, that I don`t have respect for her - on a countrary. Sometimes it`s the hardest with a people that wish you the best. We have so many senses, that embrance, huggging each other with smile should be everything we need. There is always an expectation, I like relations where I just can be, where you assume that others have the same rights, problems, actions are reasonable and any exception is respected as something internal to the person. When I listen I don`t expect people to declare something, I can see on my own if there is quality, if there is soul speaking, otherwise there are just words, not real communication.
I have my own issues, but who doesn`t? What defines us: lies or truth? I don`t expect anyone to be a superhero, couse we all are in same kind of perspective, let`s focus on that, what we like, what makes us happy, try to find that on our own and share it. We all have souls of the same size.


anseys 2011-06-07

jest na czym oko ucieszyć- pozdro:)


kawa84 2011-06-11


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