
When you love someone, you never let them go, no matter what. Hurting them feels ten times worse because you are hurting yourself as well. You would literally do almost anything to try and make them stay around but what most people don`t realize it, they forget to put their own mental health first. Loving someone more than yourself is not always a good thing , you cannot love someone without loving yourself and sometimes when you love someone more than yourself, it turns into a slight case of self -harm. Sure you are not cutting or drinking your soul away but what you are doing is worse. Your emotions are tearing and ripping you apart from the inside out. When things are good, you feel a euphoric feeling. Something that`s indescribable but when things go bad , your days seem longer. When you wake up, you cannot wait for the sun to go down so you can just sleep again. Is the living ? Since when did you parents or anyone for that matter teach you to live for someone else ?
Why let some one be your reason to exhale when that person is watching you struggle to breath. They see what`s going on. The power of any relationship lies in the hands of the person who cares less ...


mimi50 2012-11-09

Hello Mirella, very smart and mature words...
Nobody will love us if we will not love ourself.
If I will not love myself nobody will love me !
Love of self is a key to love someone.

In a relationship both persons should put as much as they can.
If isn't like that seems we located our feeling into wrong person.
Have a great weekend :*



mimi50 2012-11-19

Yes Mirella, in Poland cold, foggy brrrrrr... So fine to can change a countries and a weathers ;-) Sleep well, sweet dreams


dayane 2012-11-28

Amigaaaa muitaaas saudadees de vc :) Como tá a Polônia??? curtindo muito! Manda noticiass! Manda lembrança pra Michal aêê ^^


rikaa 2013-02-20

This photo is great *.*

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