Wschód Księżyca w  stanie Massachusetts 19.03.2011

Wschód Księżyca w stanie Massachusetts 19.03.2011

Last week's Full Moon Rising on March 19 2011 its exact full phase occurred within an hour of perigee, the closest point in the Moon's orbit to Earth. As a result it appeared some 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than a Full Moon near apogee, the most distant point in the elliptical lunar orbit. Seen here, the near perigee Full Moon still hugs the horizon, distorted by atmospheric refraction as it rises over Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Źródlo NASA


imogena 2011-03-24

Prawdopodobnie Księżyc w tych dniach był najbliżej Ziemi od 19. lat.
Wygląda przerażająco.

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