my cat is waiting for hummingbird...

my cat is waiting for hummingbird...


vespera 2009-05-05

... mój Ruffi czasem prowadzi pogawędki z wróbelkami...
siedzi na parapecie, za szybą - na szczęście ( nie wiem czyje bardziej... ich czy jego ;) - i wabi je jakby naśladując ich ćwierkanie ;) Czasem żal mi go, że nie ma 'własnego' ogrodu, ale z drugiej storny... czy Ruffi ze swoją wiarą w przychylność świata potrafiłby w takim ogrodzie funkcjonować? hmm...


teddy49 2009-05-05

Of course Ruffi would like to play with sparrows...that's what cats do, they play with birds. Are you trying to convince me that the two can peacefully coexist?


vespera 2009-05-05

If they grow up together... I think it might be possible, perhaps ;P


teddy49 2009-05-05

One is a predator, the other one a prey. It is the nature of Ruffi to kill the prey. I know...


vespera 2009-05-05

Once I cought a mouse for Ruffi - guess what - Ruffus didn't kill the mouse - was Ruffi too laisy or ??? I don't know... wasn't hungry... If he had been hungry, would he have killed the mouse? ;) Or is nature something else? Tell me about it, Ted. ;)) )


teddy49 2009-05-05

No, he wasn't lazy, I suppose he never had a mouse before, and did not know what to do, just give him one more chance...

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