I've got to leave old Durham town,
I've got to leave old Durham town.
I've got to leave old Durham town,
And the leaving's gonna get me down.
Back in nineteen forty-four,
I remember Daddy walking out the door.
Mama told me he was going to war, he was leaving,
Leaving, leaving, leaving, leaving me. - fade
I've got to leave old Durham town,
I've got to leave old Durham town.
I've got to leave old Durham town,
And the leaving's gonna get me down.
When I was a boy, I spent my time,
Sitting on the banks of the river Tyne.
Watching all the ships going down the line, they were leaving,
Leaving, leaving, leaving, leaving me.
I've got to leave old Durham town,
I've got to leave old Durham town.
I've got to leave old Durham town,
And the leaving's gonna get me down.
The last week Mama passed away,
Good-bye, son, was all she'd say.
There's no cause for me to stay, so I'm leaving,
Leaving, leaving, leaving, leaving free.
I've got to leave old Durham town,
I've got to leave old Durham town.
I've got to leave old Durham town,
And the leaving's gonna get me down.
I've got to leave old Durham town,
I've got to leave old Durham town.
I've got to leave old Durham town,
And the leaving's gonna get me down.
"Sitting on the banks of the river Tyne." niestety autor tekstu słabo znał moje Durham ...Durham leży po prostu nad rzeką Wear
funiak 2011-07-23
Wspanialy obraz polnych kwiatow .....w swej codziennosci niewyszukanych... proste kadry i gesty maja w sobie magie:)))cieplo i nastroj poziomego swiatlo pieknie harmonizuje z utworem o Twoim Durham/cathedral city:))) b.przyjemna calosc:)))
Szczesciarz ...mieszkasz w pieknym miescie i kraju:))))
weekendowe wesolosci przesylam:)))
duszko 2011-07-23
Niestety nie znam angielskiego, tylko angolski:( i wierzę na słowo, że Twoje Durham leży nad rzeka Wear.Pozdrawiam
grajka 2011-07-24
Mark Twain
Gdy mówisz prawdę, nie potrzebujesz sobie niczego przypominać.
Wspaniałej i pogodnej niedzieli !!! Naturalna roślinność jest najpiękniejsza - pozdrawiam......
atram 2011-07-24
Witam :)))
misia51 2011-07-24
Niech wieczór mija Ci wesoło i niech radość będzie wokoło,niech uśmiech zawsze na Twej buzi gości i nie zabraknie przyjemności. Spokojnej nocki życzy Marysia
mada31 2011-07-26
piekne zdjecie Jarku! a co do rzeki to rzeczywiscie smieszna pomylka... pozdrawiam cieplo